About the Event

October 22, 2025
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!! It’s the season of Ghosts, Goblins and decorations! Each year, Patio Planters Judging Committee makes its traditional rounds in the French Quarter to see what fabulous Halloween decorations are displayed on your homes, balconies and porches for the Halloween season. Whether you plan to display a spine-tingling spectacle of monsters, scary skeletons, spider webs and bats, or an array of spooky carved pumpkins, we want to know about it!
Patio Planters encourages everyone to decorate and contribute to the festive atmosphere of the French Quarter. The winners are announced on our Facebook Page.
To enter or nominate one of your neighbors send name, address, picture (if possible), and which category they best fit to admin@patioplanters.net
Awards will be given for Blue Ribbon, and Honorable Mention